Replace 'YOUR_HANDLE' with your Twitter username.Ĭlick the 'Save page' button below the edit window. Type *[ - And a short (140-character or less) bio or description.
The edit window will appear.Ĭopy an existing entry and change the relevant information, or Follow to track the RSS feed of Recent Changes (auto-generated).Ĭlick the 'edit' button at the top of this article or to the right of the section you want to add to. History and happenings at the Edgar Allan Poe Museumįollow for site updates and helpful wiki tips. A single message, or 'tweet' can only contain up to 140 characters.
Twitter is a real-time messaging system that allows users to broadcast messages to others that have chosen to 'follow', or subscribe to, that user's messages. Many local Twitterers have their own blogs or are representatives of Richmond-based businesses. This list of Twitter users in Richmond is a great way to connect with other locals.